Greeley Firefighters Benevolent Fund
The Greeley Firefighters recognized the need to occassionally provide financial assistance to our fellow firefighters and family members who face sudden and serious health-related issues. Unfortunately, members are sometimes injured performing firefighting duties and are in need of a little boost. Sometimes our family members suffer the same ill fortune and we, as a union, are proud to assist them even if it's just a little bit.
For these reasons, we established a Benevolent Fund. We hold occassional fund raisers to keep a small amount on hand for this. Donations are the only funding mechansism so we rely on the generosity of members and friends to keep it funded.
If you'd like to make a donation, please send a check to:
Greeley Firefighters Local 888
PO Box 62
Greeley, CO 80632
or drop by any Greeley fire station and drop it off in a sealed envelop directed to Local 888.
We thank you for your support and remember, "Greeley Firefighters are there when you need us!"
Next Greeley Firefighters Local 888 Union Meetings:
January 4th & 6th, 2021 19:00 Hours
To be held virtually via Zoom