About Us
Greeley Local 888
Our mission
is to advocate and support our union members in every means possible so they can focus on caring for our community and preparing for the next emergency.
About Greeley Local 888
Our membership comprises approximately 90% of the Greeley Fire Department. We are the firefighters who show up at your door when you call for help or assistance. We are the people who dedicate our lives to taking care of others. The members of Local 888 live, work and contribute to Greeley and the surrounding areas of Northern Colorado in many capacities. We are humbled at the opportunity to serve and proud to look after the citizens of Greeley, Garden City, and the surrounding areas.
Our members are dedicated to helping people in a time of need. We believe in being excellent at our craft, whether it’s fighting fire, providing EMS care, performing technical rescue, extrication from a vehicle, or any other emergency our citizens may encounter.
Firefighting is a dangerous, taxing and incredibly rewarding career. Our members currently work a minimum of a 56-hour work week in 48-hour shifts. The men and women of Local 888 selflessly put themselves out there to care for others at all times of day and night without hesitation. They are always looking out for you.
So who is looking out for them?
This is where Local 888 comes in.
Local 888 advocates for its members through collective bargaining, labor management workgroups, collaborating with Fire Department Leadership, City Leadership and City Council Members to ensure that firefighters and their families are taken care of.